After failing to honour the first two fixtures of the Jamaica Women’s Premier League, Vere United has been expelled from the competition by rule. Below is the letter to Vere United from the Competitions Department of the JFF to Vere United FC.

Please be advised that the following sanctions have been applied to Vere United FC for breach of Article 7.5 & 6 of the 2023-24 Jamaica Women’s Premier League (JWPL) Regulations.

Please see the excerpts below:

Article 7.

5. If a team does not report for a match – except in cases of force majeure recognized by the JFF Competitions and Regulations Committee – or if it refuses to continue to play or leaves the stadium/venue before the end of a match, the team shall be considered as having lost the match and three points shall be awarded to its opponents with a score of 3-0 or more if, in the case of an abandoned match, the winning team has already reached a higher score at the time the guilty team leaves the field. The guilty team shall be fined Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The team may also be referred to the JFF Disciplinary and Ethics Committee for further actions to be taken in accordance with Article 69 of the JFF Disciplinary and Ethics Committee.

6. The guilty team in Art 7.5 shall, as a rule, be excluded from further participation in the competition so that none of its matches will be deemed valid, unless the incidents mentioned in paragraph 5 occurred at its last match. In addition, the guilty Club shall pay compensation for any damages or losses suffered by the other Club(s). Furthermore, the guilty Club shall be disqualified from taking part in the next Jamaica Women’s Premier League and shall forfeit any claim to financial remuneration from the JFF.

Kindly note that fine of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) must be paid by 23 March 2024.

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