
The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) has noted with concern , Cavalier SC non-attendance to the caption on Thursday 8 June 2023. To date, neither the JFF Competitions Committee (JFFCC) nor the Professional Football Jamaica Limited (PFJL) have received any formal notification regarding the club’s non-attendance. Therefore, in keeping with Article 5.3 of the 2022-23 Jamaica Premier League Regulations, the following sanctions has been applied to Cavalier SC.

Art. 5. 3 says:
Any club that is formally invited to any official function and fails to be accurately represented as per invitation guideline, without written reasons accepted by the JFFCC or a sub-committee, shall be fined Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) and referred to the respective disciplinary body for further sanction. In the case of Repeated Offense as determined by the Committee, the body shall increase the fine but not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for each offense.

In view of the above mentioned regulations, Cavalier SC has been fined Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), which is to be paid by 30 June 2023.

Kindly note that Cavalier SC has been referred to the JFF Disciplinary Committee (JFFDC). Once a date and time is confirmed for the meeting with the JFFDC, the club will be advised in a timely manner.