Demonstrations in Panama
Due to demonstrations in the city where the game between Jamaica and Panama was scheduled to be played, Jamaica’s SWNT delegation has been moved to another city, 45 minutes outside of the capital, Panama CIty. The advance members who arrived on Sunday had to make a...
Information in the public domain
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) is aware of certain information in the public domain, and would like to clarify the facts. Our stance is always that we do not discuss specifics of any contract with employees, especially as most contracts...
The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) has written to members of the Senior Women’s National Team
The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) has written to members of the Senior Women’s National Team, who have, as a group, decided to reject the call up for the two upcoming games against Panama and Giatemala. The JFF is uncomfortable with the response of the...